Company Name *
Company DBA *
Company Website *
What is your company’s annual gross revenue? *
Year Business Established *
First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Address *
City *
State *
Principal Phone *
Email *
Primary Distributor of Choice * Tech DataSynnexCranelIngram MicroNew Wave
Second Element of Choice * Tech DataSynnexCranelIngram MicroNew Wave
Account # (If Available)
How many Sales Reps does your company have? *
How many are dedicated to document capture/management software or hardware sales? *
How many sales engineers and support technicians does your company have? *
Do you focus on a particular vertical market for scanner sales? If so, which?
What other brand scanners do you sell?
What document management/capture software do you sell?
By clicking, I agree to the program benefits, eligibility, programs and restrictions as stated in the AmbirVAR Program Details for the calendar year as posted on Acceptance into the AmbirVAR program is at the sole discretion of Ambir Technology Inc.